Спойлерный слух по МЕ3 для памяти: Эмоции зашкаливают "...Our second quest includes a surprise reveal. We are tasked with finding a group of Hanar scientists that are being held captive on the crime-ridden planet Invictus. The Normandy lands in a local dock where an unexpected, but welcome, Drell assassin greets us. Thane Krios, the companion from Mass Effect 2 is going to be accompanying you on this mission. Thane is suffering from a disease known as 'Kepral's Syndrome,' and the scientists in question are working on a cure for this very sickness... "While Thane is only a temporary companion, you can rest assured that you will feel content with his inclusion."
ДА!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Я ЗНАЛ ЭТО!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! УПЯЧКАОНОТОЛЕ!!!!!!! Ну и что, что слух, я все равно верю, что правда а еще я верю, что в ходе задания можно будет найти лекарство и забрать Тейна под крылышко на Нормандию
несчадно рад за тя